Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evelyn's gymnastics

I haven't been great at updating lately. I got my (four impacted) wisdom teeth out a week ago and it hasn't been the most pleasant experience of my life. So I've mostly been wallowing in self-pity. Today was nice, though. I had my post-op checkup and found out I had a dry socket, which doesn't sound great but means that he could pack it and now it doesn't hurt as much. So maybe I'll actually be able to sleep tonight.

My appointment was over at 10:30 which is the time that open gym starts at RRVG, so I took Evelyn over there to play. She had so much fun getting to play on the "big kid" equiptment, although I'm kind of wondering if it's going to make watching that much harder tomorrow. The first thing she did was head for the trampolines, but then I introduced her to the foam pit. Honestly, it was with some trepidation at first that I helped her down the slide and into the pit, thiking that she would panick admidst those huge cubes of foam and that I'd have to climb in somehow and rescue her. But it didn't happen. In fact, she spent the rest of the time in the foam pit, climbing over and around the cubes and only needing me to pull her all the way back out once she got to the edge. Silly girl.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fruit picking

On Monday, we drove out to the house of a family in our ward. Peter is their home teacher and they had invited us to pick fruit on their land. The kids had so much fun. We picked apples, wild plums and chokecherries. They played with the kittens and ran around. It was almost like being transported to a different time... this old homestead out in the middle of the prairie and fields.
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I need to give North Dakota more credit.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What would you do with $2000?

I'd buy the new camera that Canon just announced.

I've been looking at cameras for a little while. While I'm greatful to my Rebel for introducing me to the world of DSLR, it's limitations have always frusterated me and aren't getting less frusterating. But really, the higher end cameras either didn't have everything I wanted or were a little...um, too higher end. Which was kind of good, because it made me more patient.

Now Canon has announced a camera while I swear they designed exactly for what I need it to do. Now I just need a way to pick up an additional $1900 along the way..... just pocket change, right? Well, at least I have a dream.

What would YOU do with $2000??

Back to gymnastics...

Alex started gymnastics today, so life feels normal again. Amazing how quickly herding a bunch of kids into the car after school becomes a routine. Amazing how how NOT paying the fees every month became a routine. Alex is doing the "grasshoppers" class this year, which is all boys and starts on the mens' equiptment. He seems to be loving it.
From Gymnastics

I was a little disappointed that Allison spent most of the time I was there in a 'team meeting' so I didn't get to watch her much. I thought she looked bored, but she said it was interesting.
From Gymnastics

Meanwhile, Xander was having a blast.
From Gymnastics

And we got to see a little bit at the end from Allison. She's still working up to tumbling on the floor.
From Gymnastics

You can click on the link to see the rest of the photos from last night.