Tuesday, November 10, 2009

50s day at school

Today was the 50th day of school and the kids got to dress up in 50s-wear. Xander was home again since he threw up after dinner last night (after acting fine all day yesterday... after throwing up the night before. Grrr...) but Allison has fun. I made her a quick poodle skirt yesterday night, no hemming involved and a white T-shirt to wear today (she asked for a blouse, but I have limits)
The best part was that we got to use her pettiskirt that I bought 2 yrs ago and she's worn maybe 3 times for dress up, giving her poodle skirt maximum twirlability and getting lots of attention at school, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Sometimes it's good to be able to sew.
Did I mention that I had all the fabric, the bias tape, and rhinestones for the poodle collar just sitting in my stash? I'm so pathetic.
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