Friday, September 3, 2010

A Week of School

Well, the first week of school is over. I'd call it a success. Maybe not an unqualified success, but a success.

Allison is homeschooling this year. This has been something we've considered for some time and finally decided to bite the bullet. Gymnastics is such a time suck that it will be wonderful having her around more. Now, the gym had this first week of school off so we haven't actually seen how it will all work together and I think she got a bit bored, but overall it's been great. She's been a great help with Evelyn and has done reading, writing, math, vocabulary and typing with a minimum of complaint. We even set up her own email address so she can practice writing to family and friends. Email me if you are interested in getting her email address.

We also did started a series of experiments on crystal formation that came from Costco and spent a visit to the library learning how crystals and geodes are formed. I think the biggest lesson is one in patience, since the experiments are designed to be done one at a time and each takes about a week. Right now we are forming multiple "ruby" clusters on a rock and the solution is so dark that we can only see the crystals by shining a flashlight through the container. Pretty cool, though.

Alexander started first grade at Triggs and is so far loving his teacher and his class. She's very positive and uses a reward-based motivation system which is perfect for him. He keeps telling me that he has learned to listen and learned how to respect others which I suppose is what school is really all about, right? And it's amazing how peaceful and quiet it is around here during the day with just one less child.

Living in the desert in certainly a change, too. In North Dakota, the kids learned about hypothermia and frostbite. Here, they learn about dehydration and heat stroke. On Alexander's first day of school, I asked him what he learned and he said, "I learned that when my pee is white I'm drinking enough water and when it's yellow, I'm not drinking enough water." Words of wisdom from a first grade teacher.

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