Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Instead of our normal activity on the fourth: attending the town firework show, we went to the "local" fireworks show which consisted of a bunch of people from the base setting off their own fireworks just across the street from the base entrance. And, just for the record, it's really hard to take pictures in the dark while holding a toddler in the other arm.

The kids had a lot of fun. I thought Evelyn would be terrified, with fireworks going off all around her and quite a lot of noise. Instead, she'd laugh uproariously whenever there was a lot of noise or a particularly bright flash. I guess that's the product of being the younger sibling of two very
noisy children.

Allison and Xander both displayed their pyro side, although I'm not sure either of them particularly appreciated the loud noise. And the best part? We got home a whole hour before we would have driving to town. Always good when you are going to be attending church the next morning.

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