Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Garden

So as the days cool off and the summer winds down.... oh, wait. It's not even August yet. Tell that to the weather... my garden is just starting to look a little more like summer and less like spring. We've harvested a few beets, some baby bok choi, lettuce and even picked the first couple of beans yesterday. No peas, thanks to the endearing little creatures charmingly known as "dakrats" who managed to eat them all long before they got anywhere close to setting fruit. But still, the hard work is starting to look like it might pay off--if fall can just hold off for a couple more months.

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  1. Your garden looks so healthy and beautiful! Mine has withered and died. Be grateful for the nice rich earth I've heard so much about up there. And the cooler weather. Down in south Texas, wit no rain,scorching temps, and rocky native dirt nothing is growing well and the bugs are having a grand ol' time (even with imported garden soil and compost).

    How long do you think you'll be living in ND?

  2. Makes me hungry looking at it! Beautiful photographs. Hope more of it gets ripe before summer's over for you :o)

  3. Sorry, I thought Blogger would email me when comments needed approval, like wordpress did. Maybe there's a setting I need to change.

    Julie, we do have great soil but lots of weeds and it's really clumpy this year because it was soooo wet this spring. Photoshop does a great job of improving the color, though. =) We'll be here another year but since I don't know when we'll be moving next year, this is my last year to garden.
